package main

import (

	influxdb2 ""

type sdm630Register struct {
	Address uint16
	Unit    string

type measure struct {
	Value float32 `json:"value"`
	Unit  string  `json:"unit"`

type sampleCache struct {
	sample map[string]measure
	mutex  sync.Mutex

type config struct {
	RtuAddress    int    `json:"rtu_address"`
	SampleRate    int    `json:"sample_rate"`
	ModbusHost    string `json:"modbus_host"`
	ModbusPort    int    `json:"modbus_port"`
	InfluxdbHost  string `json:"influxdb_host"`
	InfluxdbPort  int    `json:"influxdb_port"`
	InfluxdbToken string `json:"influxdb_token"`

var (
	// SDM630 input registers
	sdm_registers = map[string]sdm630Register{
		"L1Voltage":    {0x00, "V"},
		"L2Voltage":    {0x02, "V"},
		"L3Voltage":    {0x04, "V"},
		"L1Current":    {0x06, "A"},
		"L2Current":    {0x08, "A"},
		"L3Current":    {0x0A, "A"},
		"L1PowerW":     {0x0C, "W"},
		"L2PowerW":     {0x0E, "W"},
		"L3PowerW":     {0x10, "W"},
		"L1PhaseAngle": {0x24, "°"},
		"L2PhaseAngle": {0x26, "°"},
		"L3PhaseAngle": {0x28, "°"},
		"TotalImport":  {0x48, "kWh"},
		"TotalExport":  {0x4A, "kWh"},

	logger            log.Logger = *log.Default()
	last_total_import float32    = 0.0
	last_total_export float32    = 0.0
	config_path       string
	config_cache      = config{
		RtuAddress:    1,    // modbus device slave address (0x01)
		SampleRate:    1,    // sec
		ModbusHost:    "",   // hostname of the modbus tcp to rtu bridge
		ModbusPort:    502,  // port of the modbus tcp to rtu bridge
		InfluxdbHost:  "",   // hostname of the influxdb server
		InfluxdbPort:  8086, // port of the influxdb server
		InfluxdbToken: "",   // access token for the influx db

func read_config() {
	data, err := os.ReadFile(config_path)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Printf("Unable to read %s", config_path)
	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &config_cache)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Print("Unable to evaluate config data")

func init() {
	logger.SetPrefix("PowerMeterSDM630: ")


func sample_is_valid(sample map[string]measure) bool {
	if len(sample) == 0 {
		logger.Print("Sample invalid - contains no data")
		return false

	result := float32(0.0)
	// sample is invalid when all values equals 0.0
	for _, value := range sample {
		result += value.Value
	if result == 0.0 {
		logger.Print("Sample invalid - all values equals 0.0")
		return false

	// total import and total export can never decrease
	for key, value := range sample {
		if key == "TotalImport" {
			if value.Value < last_total_import {
				logger.Printf("Sample invalid - Total import lower than previous one (%f vs. %f)", value.Value, last_total_import)
				return false
			last_total_import = value.Value
		if key == "TotalExport" {
			if value.Value < last_total_export {
				logger.Printf("Sample invalid - Total export lower than previous one (%f vs. %f)", value.Value, last_total_export)
				return false
			last_total_export = value.Value
	return true

func main() {
	flag.StringVar(&config_path, "c", "./config/config.json", "Specify path to find the config file. Default is ./config/config.json")

	go keep_mbus_connection()
	go collect_mbus_samples()

	influxdb_url := "http://" + config_cache.InfluxdbHost + ":" + strconv.Itoa(config_cache.InfluxdbPort)
	client := influxdb2.NewClient(influxdb_url, config_cache.InfluxdbToken)
	// always close client at the end
	defer client.Close()

	// get non-blocking write client
	writeAPI := client.WriteAPIBlocking("tkl", "home")

	ctx := context.Background()

	for {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(config_cache.SampleRate * 1000000000))

		sample := sample_cache.sample

		if sample_is_valid(sample) {
			point := influxdb2.NewPointWithMeasurement("power")
			point.AddTag("sensor", "powermeter")
			for key, value := range sample {
				point.AddField(key, value.Value)
				point.AddField("unit", value.Unit)

			// calculate TotalPowerW
			total_power := sample["L1PowerW"].Value + sample["L2PowerW"].Value + sample["L3PowerW"].Value
			point.AddField("TotalPowerW", total_power)
			point.AddField("unit", "W")

			err := writeAPI.WritePoint(ctx, point)
			if err != nil {
			err = writeAPI.Flush(ctx)
			if err != nil {