var on_switch_water = function() { var state = true; if(document.getElementById("water_switch").value == "ausschalten") { state = false; } var json_str = JSON.stringify({"id": "2", "waterstate": state}); patch_sample(json_str); } var on_switch_auto_state = function() { var state = true; if(document.getElementById("auto_switch").value == "ausschalten") { state = false; } var json_str = JSON.stringify({"water": {"id": "2", "autostate": state}}); patch_config(json_str); } var on_change_config = function() { var on_time_one = document.getElementById("water_on_one").value; var off_time_one = document.getElementById("water_off_one").value; var on_time_two = document.getElementById("water_on_two").value; var off_time_two = document.getElementById("water_off_two").value; var json_str = JSON.stringify({"water": {"id": "2", "times": [{"on_time": on_time_one, "off_time": off_time_one}, {"on_time": on_time_two, "off_time": off_time_two}]}}); patch_config(json_str); } var http_patch_config = new XMLHttpRequest(); http_patch_config.onreadystatechange = function () { if (http_patch_config.readyState === 4) { var status = http_patch_config.status; if (status === 0 || (status >= 200 && status < 400)) { // The request has been completed successfully parse_config(http_patch_config.responseText); } } else { // request error } } var patch_config = function(config) { http_patch_config.abort();"PATCH", "/config"); http_patch_config.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"); http_patch_config.send(config); } var patch_http = new XMLHttpRequest(); var patch_sample = function(sample) { patch_http.abort();"PATCH", "/sample"); patch_http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"); patch_http.send(sample); } var parse_config = function (event) { var config = JSON.parse(event) var output = "einschalten" var visibility = 'hidden' if(config.water && == '2') { if(config.water.autostate) { output = "ausschalten" visibility = "visible" document.getElementById("water_on_one").value = config.water.times[0].on_time; document.getElementById("water_off_one").value = config.water.times[0].off_time; document.getElementById("water_on_two").value = config.water.times[1].on_time; document.getElementById("water_off_two").value = config.water.times[1].off_time; } document.getElementById("auto_switch").value = output; document.getElementById("water_times").style.visibility = visibility } } var parse_sample = function (event) { var sample = JSON.parse(event) if(sample.water && == '2') { var switch_caption = "einschalten"; if(sample.water.state) { switch_caption = "ausschalten"; } document.getElementById("water_switch").value = switch_caption; } } var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); http.onreadystatechange = function () { if (http.readyState === 4) { var status = http.status; if (status === 0 || (status >= 200 && status < 400)) { // The request has been completed successfully parse_sample(http.responseText); setTimeout(function () {"GET", 'sample/2'); http.send(); }, 500); } } else { // request error } }"GET", "sample/2"); http.send(); var http_get_config = new XMLHttpRequest(); http_get_config.onreadystatechange = function () { if (http_get_config.readyState === 4) { var status = http_get_config.status; if (status === 0 || (status >= 200 && status < 400)) { // The request has been completed successfully parse_config(http_get_config.responseText); } } else { // request error } }"GET", "config/2"); http_get_config.send();