/*! \file stm32f4-discovery.h * \author tkl * \date Mai 7, 2012 * \brief Header file of the board definition for the STM32F4-Discovery board. */ #ifndef BSP_STM32F4_DISCOVERY_H_ #define BSP_STM32F4_DISCOVERY_H_ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "stm32f4xx.h" #include "pwm.h" #include "stm32f4_pwm.h" #include "uart.h" #include "stm32f4_uart.h" #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "timer.h" #include "stm32_sys_tick.h" #include "sys_tick.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "stm32f4_gpio.h" #include "driver.h" // GPIO_C0 static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_c0 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_0, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio stm32_f4_gpio_c0 = { .port = GPIOC, .pin = &port_cfg_c0, }; static const struct gpio __gpio_c0 = { (void*)&stm32_f4_gpio_c0, &gpio_fp }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver gpio_c0 = { #else const struct driver gpio_c0 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_GPIO, &__gpio_c0, }; // GPIO_C1 static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_c1 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_1, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio stm32_f4_gpio_c1 = { .port = GPIOC, .pin = &port_cfg_c1, }; static const struct gpio __gpio_c1 = { (void*)&stm32_f4_gpio_c1, &gpio_fp }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver gpio_c1 = { #else const struct driver gpio_c1 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_GPIO, &__gpio_c0, }; // GPIO_C2 static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_c2 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_2, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio stm32_f4_gpio_c2 = { .port = GPIOC, .pin = &port_cfg_c0, }; static const struct gpio __gpio_c2 = { (void*)&stm32_f4_gpio_c2, &gpio_fp }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver gpio_c2 = { #else const struct driver gpio_c2 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_GPIO, &__gpio_c2, }; // GPIO_C3 static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_c3 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_3, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio stm32_f4_gpio_c3 = { .port = GPIOC, .pin = &port_cfg_c3, }; static const struct gpio __gpio_c3 = { (void*)&stm32_f4_gpio_c3, &gpio_fp }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver gpio_c3 = { #else const struct driver gpio_c3 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_GPIO, &__gpio_c3, }; // SYSTEM TICK static const enum stm32_sys_tick_time_base stm23_sys_tick_time_base = STM32_SYS_TICK_TIME_BASE_MS; static const struct stm32_sys_tick stm32_sys_tick = { .tick_time_base = &stm23_sys_tick_time_base, .sys_tick_cb = NULL, .sys_tick_cb_param = NULL, }; static const struct loki_timer timer_1 = { .arch_dep_device = (void*)&stm32_sys_tick, .fp = &timer_fp }; // PWM CHANNEL 4 /* apb1 clock = 84MHz */ /* period_reg = src_clk / presc / cnt_clk */ /* 4199 = 84MHZ / (0 + 1) / 20kHz - 1 */ static TIM_HandleTypeDef tim4_handle = { .Instance = TIM4, .Init.Prescaler = 0, .Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP, .Init.Period = 4199, .Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1, .Init.RepetitionCounter = 0, }; static TIM_OC_InitTypeDef t4_output_compare_cfg = { .OCMode = TIM_OCMODE_PWM1, .Pulse = 0, .OCPolarity = TIM_OCPOLARITY_HIGH, .OCNPolarity = TIM_OCNPOLARITY_HIGH, .OCFastMode = TIM_OCFAST_DISABLE, .OCIdleState = TIM_OCIDLESTATE_SET, .OCNIdleState = TIM_OCNIDLESTATE_SET }; static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_D15 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_15, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, .Alternate = GPIO_AF2_TIM4, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio t4c4_gpio = { .port = GPIOD, .pin = &port_cfg_D15, }; static struct stm32f4_pwm str32f4_pwm_4 = { .pwm_gpio = &t4c4_gpio, .timer_handle = &tim4_handle, .output_compare_cfg = &t4_output_compare_cfg, .channel = TIM_CHANNEL_4, }; static const struct pwm pwm_ch4 = { .arch_dep_device = &str32f4_pwm_4, .fp = &stm32f4_pwm_fp, }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver pwm_4 = { #else const struct driver pwm_4 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_PWM, &pwm_ch4, }; // PWM Channel 3 static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_D14 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_14, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, .Alternate = GPIO_AF2_TIM4, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio stm32f4_pwm_t4c3_gpio = { .port = GPIOD, .pin = &port_cfg_D14, }; static struct stm32f4_pwm str32f4_pwm_3 = { .pwm_gpio = &stm32f4_pwm_t4c3_gpio, .timer_handle = &tim4_handle, .output_compare_cfg = &t4_output_compare_cfg, .channel = TIM_CHANNEL_3, }; static const struct pwm pwm_ch3 = { .arch_dep_device = &str32f4_pwm_3, .fp = &stm32f4_pwm_fp, }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver pwm_3 = { #else const struct driver pwm_3 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_PWM, &pwm_ch3, }; // PWM Channel 2 static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_D13 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_13, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, .Alternate = GPIO_AF2_TIM4, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio stm32f4_pwm_t4c2_gpio = { .port = GPIOD, .pin = &port_cfg_D13, }; static struct stm32f4_pwm str32f4_pwm_2 = { .pwm_gpio = &stm32f4_pwm_t4c2_gpio, .timer_handle = &tim4_handle, .output_compare_cfg = &t4_output_compare_cfg, .channel = TIM_CHANNEL_2, }; static const struct pwm pwm_ch2 = { .arch_dep_device = &str32f4_pwm_2, .fp = &stm32f4_pwm_fp, }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver pwm_2 = { #else const struct driver pwm_2 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_PWM, &pwm_ch2, }; // PWM Channel 1 static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_D12 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_12, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, .Alternate = GPIO_AF2_TIM4, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio stm32f4_pwm_t4c1_gpio = { .port = GPIOD, .pin = &port_cfg_D12, }; static struct stm32f4_pwm str32f4_pwm_1 = { .pwm_gpio = &stm32f4_pwm_t4c1_gpio, .timer_handle = &tim4_handle, .output_compare_cfg = &t4_output_compare_cfg, .channel = TIM_CHANNEL_1, }; static const struct pwm pwm_ch1 = { .arch_dep_device = &str32f4_pwm_1, .fp = &stm32f4_pwm_fp, }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver pwm_1 = { #else const struct driver pwm_1 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_PWM, &pwm_ch1, }; // PWM5 CHANNEL 2 /* apb1 clock = 84MHz */ /* period_reg = src_clk / presc / cnt_clk */ /* 1679 = 84MHZ / 1000 / 50Hz - 1 */ static TIM_HandleTypeDef tim5_handle = { .Instance = TIM5, .Init.Prescaler = 1000, .Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP, .Init.Period = 1679, .Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1, .Init.RepetitionCounter = 0, }; static TIM_OC_InitTypeDef t5_output_compare_cfg = { .OCMode = TIM_OCMODE_PWM1, .Pulse = 840, .OCPolarity = TIM_OCPOLARITY_HIGH, .OCNPolarity = TIM_OCNPOLARITY_HIGH, .OCFastMode = TIM_OCFAST_DISABLE, .OCIdleState = TIM_OCIDLESTATE_SET, .OCNIdleState = TIM_OCNIDLESTATE_SET }; static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_A1 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_1, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, .Alternate = GPIO_AF2_TIM5, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio t5c2_gpio = { .port = GPIOA, .pin = &port_cfg_A1, }; static struct stm32f4_pwm str32f4_pwm5_c2 = { .pwm_gpio = &t5c2_gpio, .timer_handle = &tim5_handle, .output_compare_cfg = &t5_output_compare_cfg, .channel = TIM_CHANNEL_2, }; static const struct pwm pwm5_ch2 = { .arch_dep_device = &str32f4_pwm5_c2, .fp = &stm32f4_pwm_fp, }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver pwm5_c2 = { #else const struct driver pwm5_c2 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_PWM, &pwm5_ch2, }; // UART 1 static const GPIO_InitTypeDef port_cfg_uart1 = { .Pin = GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7, .Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP, .Pull = GPIO_PULLUP, .Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH, .Alternate = GPIO_AF7_USART1, }; static const struct stm32f4_gpio stm32f4_uart1_gpio = { .port = GPIOB, .pin = &port_cfg_uart1, }; static UART_HandleTypeDef stm32f4_discovery_uart1_handle = { .Instance = USART1, .Init.BaudRate = 115200, .Init.WordLength = UART_WORDLENGTH_8B, .Init.StopBits = UART_STOPBITS_1, .Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE, .Init.Mode = UART_MODE_TX_RX, .Init.HwFlowCtl = UART_HWCONTROL_NONE, .Init.OverSampling = UART_OVERSAMPLING_16, .pTxBuffPtr = NULL, .TxXferSize = 0, .TxXferCount = 0, .pRxBuffPtr = NULL, .RxXferSize = 0, .RxXferCount = 0, .hdmatx = NULL, .hdmarx = NULL, .Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED, .gState = HAL_UART_STATE_RESET, .ErrorCode = 0, }; static const struct stm32f4_uart stm32f4_uart1 = { .uart_gpio = &stm32f4_uart1_gpio, .uart_handle = &stm32f4_discovery_uart1_handle, }; static char console_linear_buffer[10]; static struct ringbuffer console_buffer = { console_linear_buffer, console_linear_buffer, console_linear_buffer, 10, 0 }; static const struct uart __uart_1 = { &stm32f4_uart1, &stm32f4_uart_fp, &console_buffer, }; #ifdef TEST_APP static const struct driver uart_1 = { #else const struct driver uart_1 = { #endif DRIVER_TYPE_UART, &__uart_1, }; //! \brief Setup the hardware of the stm32f4-discovery board. void board_init(void); #endif /* BSP_STM32F4_DISCOVERY_H_ */