[build] target = "riscv32imc-esp-espidf" [target.riscv32imc-esp-espidf] linker = "ldproxy" runner = "espflash flash --monitor" # Future - necessary for the experimental "native build" of esp-idf-sys with ESP32C3 # See also https://github.com/ivmarkov/embuild/issues/16 rustflags = ["--cfg", "espidf_time64"] [unstable] build-std = ["std", "panic_abort"] [env] # Enables the esp-idf-sys "native" build feature (`cargo build --features native`) to build against ESP-IDF (v5.3.2) ESP_IDF_VERSION = { value = "tag:v5.3.2" } # These configurations will pick up your custom "sdkconfig.release", "sdkconfig.debug" or "sdkconfig.defaults[.*]" files # that you might put in the root of the project # The easiest way to generate a full "sdkconfig[.release|debug]" configuration (as opposed to manually enabling only the necessary flags via "sdkconfig.defaults[.*]" # is by running "cargo pio espidf menuconfig" (that is, if using the pio builder) #ESP_IDF_SDKCONFIG = { value = "./sdkconfig.release", relative = true } #ESP_IDF_SDKCONFIG = { value = "./sdkconfig.debug", relative = true } ESP_IDF_SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS = { value = "./sdkconfig.defaults", relative = true } # ESP-IDF will be installed in ~/.espressif so it can be reused across the different examples. # See also https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-idf-sys/blob/master/BUILD-OPTIONS.md#esp_idf_tools_install_dir-esp_idf_tools_install_dir ESP_IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_DIR = { value = "global" }