# ESP32-C6 Template firmware for both, low-performance and high performance core of the esp32-c6 riscv processor. ## hp-core Firmware for the high performance core. ### Build ```shell cargo build --package hp-core --release ``` ## lp-core Firmware for the low performance core. ### Build ```shell cargo build --package lp-core --release ``` ## Execution ```shell cargo run --package hp-core --release ``` ### Preconditions In order to execute/flash the project some conditions must be fulfilled: * hardware target is connected with USB before the devcontainer is launched * the belonging tty device is named `ttyACM0` (otherwise rename it in `.devcontainer/devcontainer.json`) * the belonging tty device (`ttyACM0`) is member of the `root` group because the devcontainer user (`esp`) is in this group too. If this changes it must be adoptet in `.devcontainer/Dockerfile`